Thursday, November 20, 2008

eHarmony going gay?

No. Well, yes. But not because they want to. The California based company has been sued for not having a gay friendly dating service. The law suit states that eHarmony's refusal to offer such a service is discriminatory. If you are not familiar with eHarmony, google it. As a result of the lawsuit and its settlement, eHarmony must start matching gay and lesbian couples by March of next year. In the grand scheme it's petty, I know.

Here is what pisses me off.

1. Instead of just adding a check box to user profiles where they could identify as gay or lesbian (or something along those simple yet inclusive lines), eHarmony is, instead, creating an entirely different SEPARATE site (! They will include a link to this new SEGREGATED site on their 'traditional' site, but with a disclaimer that their "expertise" is in matching heterosexual couples and that it cannot vouch for matches it provides to gay customers. "

2. Ok, it really chaps my ass when people sue other people or companies just because they can. I don't think that eHarmony should have been sued because they weren't technically breaking any laws. That being said, it is a shame that in 2008 issues of equal rigts are still being fought out in court rooms.

It's sad that these issues still have to be fought at all.

to read the news story, click here


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