Friday, December 5, 2008

Help someone this holiday season!

I know finances are tight for everyone this year, and I know that a lot of people find the holiday season especially stressful with all of the pressure to buy gifts for everyone they love. I also know that there are people in worse situations than you and me.

Here is a suggestion. Credit my mother with this one, as it was her idea and something she is doing this year.

In lieu of sending christmas cards and mailing them to friends and family, donate money, food, blankets, or gas/grocery gift cards to a family in need or a homeless shelter.

Instead of buying gifts for your siblings, friends, or retired parents who really dont need another kitchen gadget or talking photo frame, help a family that cant afford to eat or child who is terminally ill and whose family spends all of their money to take care of him/her.

You may be thinking that you cant afford to help a family or give enough to make a difference, but I've learned from experience that any amount is appreciated.

You can let your friends and family know that you are doing this via email or phone calls and ask that they do the same in return as their gift to you.

Try it. Post your story here and share it.

Happy Holidays.